About Evolve Biologix

Evolve Biologix is an innovative technology start-up combining the latest advancements in biometric monitoring, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to create real world change. We are a fully funded start-up in Vancouver, BC and our purpose is simple: to empower users to live their best lives.

Evolve Biologix connects cutting edge technology with human biology. Our team is made up of radical dreamers who are committed to the vision of this organization and dedicated to driving real, positive change in this world. Our technology enables users to reimagine their limits and take concrete steps towards leading a more enriching life.

Our Mission

To imagine, innovate and build technology that creates a new path for humanity. 

A new path based on love, empathy, curiosity and empowerment.

To create a future where we are in balance with our world, free from oppression and empowered in our lives.

Our Values

Our Team

Our team is made up of radical dreamers who are committed to the vision of this organization and dedicated to driving real, positive change in this world. Our technology enables users to reimagine their limits and take concrete steps towards leading a more enriching life.

Join our Team

What Drives Us?


Over the last three decades, the world of technology has progressed at an ever accelerating rate. Globally, it has changed the way our world works in profound ways; some good and some terrifying. With the rate of change only increasing – soon, in ways it is hard even to imagine, technology will change how we fundamentally experience the world and even redefine what it is to be human.

While the technology we have created has extended our lives, built bigger cities, made GDP growth more efficient found new ways of learning and communicating, and brought billions out of what we have defined as poverty; it has also created a whole new set of problems. It has increased the amount we work, the pressure and stress we feel, it has built more significant divides in what we see as truth, it has destroyed much of our environment, and for some, as we have lost our connection with nature, it has created a more profound sense of apathy and hopelessness. As we have struggled to keep up, many of us have blindly lost track of many of the things we value; genuine human connection, empathy, purpose, inner wisdom and the experience of love, joy, and peace.

With the suicide rate at all-time highs, opiate overdoses reaching 70K+ per year alone, and murder rate climbing in many major cities, this change is taking a toll. With the arrival of Artificial Intelligence and General Artificial Intelligence, things have the potential to get a lot worse; or a lot better. As the majority of jobs are replaced in society, and the rate of change increases, many will lose the things they identify with and without new solutions, find a very challenging future.

While many don’t want to even consider these challenges, at Evolve, we believe, rather than running from these problems, we instead can deepen into them and find new ways of utilizing technology to unlock human potential. As society and the world, we live in redefines itself, how can we work together to redefine humanity to what it always could be; a utopian society. Starting one individual at a time, and finding new and unique ways to connect together, work together and support each other, we believe the technology of today and tomorrow can be advanced and harnessed in a way that unlocks not only a future worth living but one that serves the highest ideals of the human experience.